November 15, 2005

A pleasant feel of burden

Here’s a line from David Carr, writing in the “Technology” section of The New York Times, that I like, and believe in:

“The great thing about the Web is that people can say almost anything they please. But it will only mature as a medium if people see that as less of a license than as a burden.”

He was referring mainly to blogs, which in the main are stream-of-consciousness daily (or hourly) journals streaming from every imaginable kind of mind. Most of them would have run their course quickly, as the novelty wore off, both on behalf of the author and the reader, and they moved on before everyone died of boredom.

But then some of these blogs attracted advertisers, who are interested in hit rates as opposed to content. Some of these blogs have made their authors rich, which gives the others incentives to stick around for awhile.

There’s nothing wrong with that. I hope my blog makes money someday. If there is a demographic for a blog that is mostly completed essays, it will. If it means I have to pour my life’s hourly minutiae into a computer, then it won’t, because I won’t go there.

That being said, I do have to follow up on an experiment I had proposed in the blog the other night, to dress up hamburger patties in onions, garlic, green pepper and Trader Joe’s enchilada sauce (the best) served over rice. But I also had a steak that I had cut from a piece of filet mignon in the bag, selling at CostCo for $7.99 a pound. I made the sauce in one skillet, and I need to say that when the onions, green peppers and garlic were getting soft, I poured in a quarter-cup of coffee left over from breakfast and let it bubble down to a glaze. If there is any, I always add a little leftover coffee to sauces, but that’s another story.

I cut the steak into half-inch slices and sautéed them quickly in a little olive oil to brown them but leave them medium-rare. These I placed on the rice and poured the sauce over. Not bad. I had the thawed hamburger, of course, and these I browned thoroughly in a hot skillet, then turned down the heat and let them cook until they were quite dry, just like my grandmother used to make them. They develop their own glaze. You eat them like a big hard beef cookie, and they are delicious.

These are the kinds of things I think is okay to say in a blog. The Web is an absolutely democratic medium, so others can say what they want, too, and that’s all right. There’s infinite space for it – they are only files in a computer – and no doubt a readership for whatever gets written and mistaken for writing. For that reason, the Web will always support a vast community of the immature, or the immaterial.

And I will be here, too. I love to write, as long as there is a little feel of burden to it.

1 comment:

  1. I was intrigued by the two recipes for preparing beef that Michael Grant wrote for Voice of San Diego.
    I know from experience that people don't necessarily need a Grandma Susie in order to learn to appreciate a hamburger cookie, although it helps a lot. The taste can be developed later in life. I've seen joy on the faces of people who are tasting one for the first time--or the hundredth.
    But the first taste must be served in the right atmosphere. It's helpful if there are others present who like hamburger cookies. The subject must be sitting in a comfortable chair, and the server must be someone he or she trusts. (These two conditions are usually met by the Grandma Susie's of the world.)
    The habit of feeling a burden while preparing dinner is hard to develop later in life. I'm afraid it may require a Grandma Susie.
