October 10, 2007

Introducing The Write Outsource

Click here, please, when you are ready: http://www.writeoutsource.com/

The link will take you to my online writing service, "Michael Grant – The Write Outsource," which is now open for business.

Have a look around. See what the business is about. It is the natural passage from my long career as a journalist, columnist, essayist, writer and editor, into my new career as a provider of services to people who need something written, but don't want to, or know how to, write it themselves.

Their solution: outsource it to me, via the Internet, from anywhere in the country, or around the planet. The site will show you how it works, and who it works for. Do you need any of these services yourself? Come on in. Does anyone you know need such services? Thousands of your friends possess all kinds of skills, talents, genius, ideas, all that need to be communicated to someone else. But writing is hard for them, a struggle they try to avoid, but can't.

What should they do? Outsource it! Click on http://www.writeoutsource.com/, tell us what you need, and go do your really important stuff. I'll have your written materials back to you, ready for your approval and distribution, on the timetable that matches your need.

I've been doing this kind of work for years. In the old days of journalism, we called it "rewrite." Someone developed information and phoned it to the "rewrite man," who turned it into a top-notch story, on deadline, for the newspaper's next edition. Rewrite men are famous in journalism lore, for their skills in turning raw information into polished stories.

In those days, it was specialized work, exclusive to newspapers, requiring a source, a phone, and a writer, working on deadline. The service was not generally available, between a business and a writer, for example, because communications were slow and could not handle raw information that was either voluminous or complex. In that world, the word "outsource" didn't exist. The information had to be delivered overland, and the finished stories returned the same way. Businesses had to create and maintain on-site departments of writers, in their public relations and marketing departments.

The arrival of the computer age started to change that, and it really changed when Tim Berners-Lee developed the code that created the Internet. This global sharing of information evolved commercially into the World Wide Web, and today the information being routinely shared globally includes beleaguered individuals such as corporate executives outsourcing writing needs to old pros like me.

In other words, "Michael Grant – The Write Outsource" is an idea whose time has come. Go see http://www.writeoutsource.com/ and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,
    As an ardent, longtime admirer of your writing style, I can only say that I hope one day to get situated such that I might personally need "The Write Outsource." Until that time, I stand ever vigilant in referring others who could use your services.
    Congrats again, Roland
