No matter what the situation, the best thing that you can do is try to have a good time
December 12, 2008
Sunset stages
There is a story that goes with this succession of photos, that shows the stages of the San Diego sunset last night. But I am too ticked to mess with it anymore. For the last hour and a half, I have tried to post the story with the photos INTERSPERSED IN THE STORY AT APPROPRIATE POINTS. Instead, every time and every way I tried it, Blogger put the photos at the TOP. And INVERTED from the order in which I POSTED them. So the hell with it. If that's where Blogger wants them, that's where they shall be. For the time being. Blogger is put on notice that I will figure out how to put the photos where I WANT THEM TO BE. Sometime in my lifetime I will have the satisfaction of knowing that in their command posts deep below the Rocky Mountains, Blogger controllers will bash their foreheads into their polished steel desktops because someone up there put his pictures where they were SUPPOSED TO BE. Meantime, it's martini hour. I'll post the story tomorrow.
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