October 19, 2012


I have been working in creative media since 1969. So have thousands of other media professionals. We are all extremely aware of each other, and afraid someone else will get the idea first. When someone else beats me to it, it hurts.

Three days ago, on Oct. 16, I posted the following blog:

"The real debate, between now and the election, should be between Moderate Mitt and Severely Conservative Mitt.

"In the last three weeks before the election, I would like to see such a debate, created in a series of ads by the Obama Campaign, in split-screen, just like the candidate debates, with Moderate Mitt on the left, and Severely Conservative Mitt on the right, going back and forth with pronouncements about where they stand.

"The point is to show undecided voters if they vote for Mitt, they literally won't know who they're voting for.

"Whatever the Obama ad formats in these last weeks, they will aim at the Mitt duality. He has set himself up as a sitting duck."

I was very happy, as a creative media professional, with the idea of a split-screen debate between Moderate Mitt and Severely Conservative Mitt.

But then, today, in Virginia, Obama, thanks to his creative team, came up with one word that trumps my whole idea:


Brilliant. It hurts so bad.

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