"Lucretia!" yells John from his desk.
She appears in the doorway. "Yes, Mr. Speaker?"
"Lucretia," he says. "What are we going to do about Mitt?"
Lucretia gives a little laugh, waves her hand. "Don't worry about Mitt. He's just processing."
"Well, everybody I talk to wishes he would just go away," says John. "It's all over the media."
"Yes, I know," says Lucretia. "But he's had a terrible shock. He got jilted. You remember what it's like to get jilted."
John frowns. "Maybe I do, and maybe I don't."
She smiles. "See? You're still not over it. Mitt just needs somebody to talk to. He needs to tell them it's nothing he did. It's the things the other guy did."
Senator McConnell is on the settee. "You know," he says, beginning to understand, "it was actually a huge circle-jilt. Millions of people, inside that Mitt bubble that everybody is talking about, dead-certain that Mitt would win."
Lucretia holds up The Washington Post. "Every day in the paper, jilted Republicans are processing, from Nevada to Georgia," she says.
"So you don't think Mitt and the bubble are going to steal any thunder from our meeting with the President today," says the Speaker.
"No sir, I don’t," says Lucretia. "The President is the last guy they want to think about. They will all be focused inward, reading old campaign speeches, wondering what might have been, wondering when the pain will go away. It actually works out pretty well for you and the Senator, on Day One of the New GOP."
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