August 31, 2012

Go ahead, make my oatmeal

As long as the GOP is into film icons for its surprise guest speakers, I must mention that "Air Force One" is on television this morning. Too late! Instead of Rest Home (formerly Dirty) Harry, the GOP might have scheduled President Harrison Ford!

At the least, I suggest that both candidates, Obama and Romney (alphabetical order) start wearing WWHFD bracelets. What would Harrison Ford do? Or WWDD bracelets. What would Dave do? Remember "Dave"? As long as political futures are being pinned on film icons as surprise guest speakers, the GOP could have had Kevin Kline, who can't be over 60 and, I'm sure, could do a crackerjack job of interviewing an empty chair!

I don't know if Harrison and Kevin are Democrats or Republicans. If they're Democrats, the Dems should waste no time booking them as surprise guest speakers next week in Charlotte, and put Jon Stewart's people in charge of the skit. Who was in charge of Clint Eastwood last night? My God, if the Republicans win, and they run the White House like they ran their convention . . .

I mean no disrespect to Clint Eastwood, who onstage last night was the embodiment of what Gramma Holman, my late, great gramma-in-law from Alsace-Lorraine, used to say about the American infatuation with youth: "Fear neither youth nor beauty; these are things which time will cure." I heard one anchor describe Clint this morning as "the bad, the worse, and the ugly." Hey, lady: you'll be 82 someday.

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