So I'm sitting here today, on the last day of my first month of retirement, feeling blessed to live in a country which created a means to let the middle class enjoy some retirement years instead of dropping dead on the job someday.
And so I read in the news that yesterday, some GOP congressman grandee (reported net worth $295 million last year, double the year before) named Darrell Issa called Social Security and Medicare "Ponzi schemes."
In those very same mostly pleasant hours yesterday, I was thinking how TROUsers in our pride could use an anthem of some kind, to celebrate the difference between "the rest of us," and the 1 percent grandees like Issa and his Ponzi scheme mentality.
Now I swear this is coincidental, and it seems kind of weird now, but all last weekend the same lyric kept going through my head. This morning I said, "That is the absolute best TROUser Pride anthem I ever heard. Thank you, Little Jimmy Dickens."
So here is the TROUser Pride Anthem, with its very first dedication going to GOP congressman Darrell Issa. Sing along to Darrell!
"May the Bird of Paradise fly up your nose
"May the elephant caress you with his toes
"May your wife be plagued by runners in her hose
"May the Bird of Paradise fly up your nose!"
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