December 06, 2008

The solstice is nigh

What you see here is King Tut, who lies at the extreme southern end of that part of the horizon we call the Alta Mira Calendar. The Calendar extends 46 degrees from its south to north limits, where the winter and summer solstices are marked, and if we were that anal, we could create a chart showing exactly where the sun came up each day of the year. This morning the sun rose with a bang near Tut's throat. You see his feet on the left, then his arms folded across his chest, and his head and mummy's headdress at the right. On the winter solstice, the sun will rise out of Tut's eye, then the next day begin its long journey north. That the sun rises out of his eye gives the solstice a nice pagan ceremonial feel, and so we toast it with strong water. Even when it's cloudy.

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